Thursday, March 10, 2011


I find myself more and more grateful that I bit the bullet and brought my Nikon D80 DSLR with me on this trip to Hue.  I already knew that there would be great lulls in work here and, even if I kept busy on the computer, I would have to get out and get some air.  It is regrettable that the weather has been very gloomy and chilly since we got here last Friday.

I am usually very reticent to bring my big camera with me because of the fear of getting it stolen, losing it, dropping it, or just ruining it from the high humidity in the air.  As a matter of fact, after I bought the camera, I kept it put away for at leasts a year only bringing it out on few occasions for special pictures.  I guess after the "new" wore off of it, I didn't see it as being so precious and I felt more comfortable taking it out.  It is a good thing, because the pictures I take with it are so much better than the snapshots that I take with my smaller compact camera.

Not only is the camera a very good camera, but I have endless photo opportunities in Vietnam.  I just have to remember that these things that seem very familiar to me are very exotic to everyone back home.  Once I get that into my head, it becomes very easy to press the shutter button.  These days, with no film, there is also no fear. I can take the same picture as many as a dozen times until I get the one I want, exactly. 

I also brought along a sketchbook and pencil.  I used to enjoy drawing and I fancied myself as a decent artist.  I haven't drawn seriously for years, decades even, but I have started to feel the itch.  Hopefully I will pull out the pad and start drawing soon... it is often that first step that is the hardest.  Megan is my inspiration now as she is taking art in school and has started to sketch things at home.  The biggest obstacle here is drawing in public without having a thousand gawkers - and potential critics - curiously peering over my shoulder.

I also have half a dozen computer and fitness books that I have yet to crack since I arrived in Hue.  I guess I still haven't hit that point of boredom yet that throws me into reading the books and getting deep into some of the concepts.

I am still geocaching my photos and love it more every day.  In case you lost the website, here is my space on Panoramio.

1 comment:

luksky said...

I am immensly enjoying your pics. You are right..because they are of an unfamiliar culture to me it makes them all the more alluring to look at. You are an excellent photographer. You may have to give your ole sis some lessons.

It's odd that you mention art. If you remember I also enjoyed drawing and art when I was young and lately have found myself wanting to draw and create. Although I have the urge lately, I still have not found time to squeeze it in for all the other crap I have to do.

Keep the pics coming, they are beautiful. Love ya!!!