Saturday, January 17, 2015

Internet Silent

I know I have been away from this blog for quite some time. I have been internet silent for the most part, but not for a lack of activities.  In December we finished out our last field activity for 2014 and sent the teams home.  Shortly after that, I participated in the semi-annual helicopter inspection with a team from Hawaii, and just a couple of days after that, Diep and I went to the U.S. on home leave.

Upon our arrival in Mobile, AL, Diep and I enjoyed a reumion with Megan. Being the Christmas Season, it should go without saying we did a lot of shopping; but more importantly, we found a car for Megan, and got her insured, trained up and licensed to ease the boredom of living on campus without her own transportation.  I am excited for this upgrade in her life. We also got a chance to check out a local student-oriented apartment complex near the school.  We were sold hook, line and sinker, and it looks like Megan will be moving off campus her sophomore year. The apartment complex is well-kept, secure, modern and looks to be ideal for any college kid going to school.  As a matter of fact, I am a little jealous. While in Mobile, we also had a great new year's celebration with my brother and family in downtown Mobile, watching the band Village People and Evelyn Champagne King as we rang in the New Year 2015.

Three weeks after arriving in Mobile, Diep and I were headed back to Vietnam.  Just a few days in Vietnam, I had work travel to Bangkok and took Diep wtih me. I had a little down time while in Thialand and Diep and I enjoyed the sites and food. She even got to stay a little longer and help out a friend who is there waiting to have her baby. She will be back this week.

On Saturday, I travel to Hawaii for a week, while at the same time, we are gearing up for the next field activity in Vietnam.  Lots to do and think about.  I will try to keep the blog up to date, but it is hard to find the time to sit down and put it on "paper".