Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Working out with Diep

Diep is a little sore this morning.  It started two days ago when Diep decided she wanted to go to the apartment gym with me in the morning so I could show her how to use the equipment.  I was careful to tell her to do high reps and low weight so she wouldn't get big (like me,ha!).  I gave her a rep max of 10 - 15 reps, and took her in a circuit that alternated between core, shoulders, arms and legs.  We both enjoyed working out together and felt good afterwards, but Diep's enthusiasm got her in a bind.  She decided she wanted to work out again yesterday morning because she still felt good from the first morning.  She didn't give her body enough time to realize she had worked out (I tend to get sore after a workout following a long break on the second day after a workout). She also blew me off when I tried to stop her at 15 reps on the lat pulldown machine on the second morning.  Its all good... the soreness should go away in a day or two.  I just hope we can keep working out together.

When we workout together, it keeps me from pushing myself too much because I have to wait for her to complete her sets, and I feel better because of it.  I still work out at lunch, so the morning is just a bonus.  We will see how this all shakes out.

In other news, Diep went to buy or Christmas and New Years travel tickets.  We will be going to Nha Trang and Saigon over the holidays.  Two weeks of me being forced to go places I really don't want to go.  I never get a vacation where I can just sit around, drink iced tea, and just enjoy life happening around me.  Oh well.

1 comment:

luksky said...

Toby has been working out at home for the past couple of months. I feel guilty and know I should join him but can't seem to find the incentive for a living room workout.