Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Computer

So the new desktop came in a couple of weeks ago.  Since I ordered to replace a desktop that was still working, I wasn’t in a huge hurry to set it up.  Anyway, I got to work on reformatting the old computer and re-configuring it so we could give it to Diep’s niece.

After the few hours it took to get the other computer ready to ship to Saigon, I took out the new computer.  I ran into troubles immediately because it locked up in the startup process.  The only choice I had was to hard reboot it, which screwed it up really bad.  I had to recover it to factory settings before ever getting it up the first time. 

That done, I figured I would be good to go, but I have encountered software issues and find myself recovering it once again.  I feel like I am working for the computer and not the other way around right now.  I really hate it when things don’t go right with a new computer.  Without knowing the computer at all, it is pretty hard to pinpoint the issue… whether it is hardware or software.

The good news is I have a new computer monitor. It is much nicer than the old one and should make things more enjoyable once I get through these initial issues.

1 comment:

luksky said...

I Soooooo feel u on the computer issues. My computer has been half-ass running for the past 6 months. Finally it got to a point where Toby had to restore it and it took days... Oh well, that's technology for ya.