Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am not sure how much people really check out their blogs.  I have been doing this for some time on blogspot and never really noticed the "stats" tab on my dashboard.  Apparently, one can find out from what sites other people arrived at one's blog postings. 

It would appear that quite a few more people have read my blog than I imagined, but a little more disturbing is the people who arrived at my site through google searches.  It seems one person arrived at my site after searching the phrase "how did buddy newell die".  That seems like an oddly specific search that would bring someone to my site, and I also find myself wondering how DID buddy newell die.  I would just check my magic 8 ball sitting on my desk, except it only gives yes or no answers to my questions.  I could be sitting at my desk all day asking questions like:  Will I die in a car accident?, Will my wife kill me in a fit of fury?, Will I die in a plane crash?  Will I die of old age?...  Or, I just might find my answer after the second question??

I have one and a half more days of work before I go to Nha Trang and then Ho Chi Minh City.  I feel I could use the break.

1 comment:

luksky said... have me curious enough to snoop around in my blog now.