Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hemp Seeds

I recently read in a Men's Health book that hemp seeds are a superfood.  The amino acids are more complete like the protein found in milk, eggs and meat, rather than those usually found in other plants such as soybeans.  They are, apparently, also more soluble than flax seed which is also a seed rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Since I workout at least an hour, five to six days a week and the Vietnamese foods that I eat leave me feeling like I am not getting all of the protein I need, I usually eat a protein bar or drink a whey protein shake before or after I workout.  Since I work out at lunch, it also helps to keep the hunger pains away until after noon.

The thing is, protein bars and shakes just taste too good to be good for you... at least that is what I am thinking.  How can these bars and drinks taste like chocolate and sugar without having a lot of, well... chocolate and sugar in them?  That is why I just recently purchased a couple of bags of shelled hemp seed and hemp seed powder through Amazon.com.  These are all organic and from what I have tasted so far, taste really good!  I know this all sounds like someone hijacked my account and started ad placements, but I just wanted to get this out there so I can either confirm or refute the effectiveness of the hemp seed.

Other than that, the weather in Hanoi still sucks.

1 comment:

luksky said...

Hemp seeds...hmmmm. I would never have guessed. I keep nuts and seeds in my pantry for my snack attacks.