Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold Weather in Hanoi

It didn't take long for the cold weather to set in! It pretty much started right after our return from Nha Trang and Saigon on the winter break.

It has been hovering between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius for the past few days and now it has dipped to 8 degrees as of last night.  Hundreds of cows and water buffalo have died in the northern provinces and no relief is in site for the next few days.

The kids are the ones who are making out, though.  Here in Hanoi, if the weather dips to 10 degrees or below, the children are out of school.  I remember it had to snow in Mobile before we were out... but, oh joy!  Getting out of school and enjoying the snow at the same time... that was great!

Quite honestly, even at 8 degrees, it doesn't feel that cold.  The drizzle we had yesterday upped the misery factor, though.  It made me glad I wasn't working out-of-doors.

1 comment:

luksky said...

The cold crap here is about to kill me. I don't think I would have ever survived Colorado if I had agreed to move there.