Thursday, February 18, 2010

Diep and Megan Return

Diep and Megan come home really late tonight. I am sure they will be exhausted before they walk through the door... and hopefully Diep will just go to sleep rather than try to tell me every story of her trip she can think of before she nods off. I still remember when we first met how we would stay up all night riding around or just hanging out in Saigon, and watching the sunrise in the morning... not just sitting on a beach watching it come up, but more of a passive act of doing whatever we were doing in the dark and it gets gradually lighter. I can't imagine just sitting and waiting for the sun to come up... sort of like watching water boil or grass grow.

Today is Friday and I am very relieved of that. This week just creaped by and I am anxious to move on from it. It was probably the most unremarkable week I have had in several years. The weather was just too boring to be bothered with going out. I really wanted to get some photos of the new year, but it just didn't happen. Not because I didn't have the energy, but because the gray skies and threat of rain didn't motivate me.

My weather forecasts says next week will warm up into the 70s. I look forward to that. After next week I will be going to some phenominal places. Very rugged. I am looking forward to it and only hope that nothing happens to make the trip miserable, i.e. injury or blisters. Last time I went on a long walk in the jungle, I got a blister that just ruined the whole trip. It was on my heel and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I will bring some sports tape just for that sort of thing this time. The funny thing about these trips is that I am good to go after the first couple of the year, because I have ditched the things in my pack that take up space and added the things I need. But it is a new process every year, and this is the first trip of the season coming up.

Here's hoping I manage to trudge through this Friday without going nuts...

1 comment:

luksky said...

Yes, I do think that you need to be taking some pictures with that fancy camera of yours. :-)

While out and about I ALWAYS see things I would love to get a pic of. Unfortunately most of those things would require me to stop my car on the shoulder of the road to get my shot....not a safe activity around here. I guess I am not a true photographer...