Thursday, March 25, 2010

MTV Exit Concert in Hanoi

I went to the country team meeting at the US Embassy today because nobody more important than I was at the office today... that is to say it was just Daniel and I (not to say Daniel is less important, just to say he would chew off his arm to stay out of a meeting like this).  Anyway, the upside of the meeting was the announcement that MTV is the orgnanizer for a concert at the My Dinh Stadium this Saturday and the embassy was giving away free tickets to embassy personnel.  The email went out to everyone except those at JPAC, so I would not have known about it had I not gone to the meeting.

Anyhow, I don't want people to think I am a big MTV fan, because I can only watch Lady Gaga and Jason Beaver, or whatever his name is, so many times in a row before I start pulling my hair out.  I scored two tickets that I plan on giving to Megan and letting her enjoy the concert.  Actually, the concert is a boy band from Korea and some Australian pop artist... not my idea of a great time.  But, I think she will like it.  I managed to deceive my way into an extra ticket because I mentioned Daniel may want a ticket - knowing full well he would give up his ticket to another friend of Megan.

In other news, I just got back from my second 10-day TDY tour.  I posted the pictures on my Facebook even though I can't get on Facebook at this time.  No doubt, Vietnam is clamping down on Facebook and it may be gone forever from this communist nowhere land in a matter of weeks.  If that happens, I figure I will be turning to Blogspot to put out my missives, photos, and just plain blabbering.

Some poor lady got run over - and killed - by a cement truck just a hundred yards or so from our office two days ago.  She must have been on the road for at least 45 minutes before they carted her away... isn't it ironic that animals get cleaned off the streets immediately and people are left to the gawkers for hours... of course, there is a reason the animals disappear so quickly - two words:  Fresh meat.

My newness still hasn't worn off of  Diep yet... give her a few days.  She is still hugging and kissing me.  She keeps checking next to her in bed to make sure I haven't left again.  I figure I am a couple dozen farts and other infractions away fromm getting on her nerves again.

For the time being, it is good to be home!

1 comment:

luksky said...

About the infractions....HILARIOUS! You made my morning.