Saturday, March 27, 2010

Megan Has a Good Day

I imagine Megan has some pretty crummy days in Hanoi.  As an only child with a very protective mother, she doesn't get to get out very much.  As she gets older, we are trying to give her the chance to get out and enjoy some of the events that are appropriate for her age.

So, yesterday she had a school friend over from the night before (this girl has an Ethiopian mother and English father) and they took the bicycles out around the lake to a cafe.  Megan enjoys the freedom she has on a bike, but I can;t help but to worry about the traffic when she is out alone.

Later that day, she went with a Korean and Belgian friend to the MTV-sponsored concert I mentioned in the previous post.  She said she enjoyed that more than she expected.  It was a little tough on us, though, because we had to take off at nearly 11:00pm from our house on the motorbike, find her in a crowd of around 30,000 young people and then hunt down a taxi to take them home. We had to actually hunt the taxi from the motorbike, get Diep in the taxi and drive back to the stadium that the concert was held.  When the taxi stopped to pick up the girls, the taxi was surrounded by kids thinking it was available to take them home.  It was mass craziness!

The stadium is a good ride from the house and the pollution and traffic was pretty bad. It was all worth it, though, if Megan had a good time.


luksky said...

I'm happy to hear Meg had a good time!! Having to get out at 11:00p.m is part of the joys of parenthood I guess. I remember once when Lucas was in high school he had a ROTC ball to go to. I had to take him there and then go pick him up at midnight...then he wanted me to take him and his friends to Ihop to eat. I was about to fall asleep at the table while they horsed around and ate their meals.

luksky said...

By the way, I like your new resident do I get one of those on my blog??