Friday, February 4, 2022

Drawing Flies

 I remember more than once that my Dad said to no one in particular that I can draw... flies.  Drawing, in fact, was one of my favorite pass times as a kid, and something that I have wanted to re-engage in as an adult, but I just haven't made the time.  But, that isn't what this post is about. 

Even if my Dad's comment was said in jest, there may have been a little truth in the kidding.  I do remember that I had a bad habit of mouth-breathing when I was a child. I don't remember at what age I became aware of it, or maybe it was the gentle ribbing from Dad that made me aware of it. Anyhow, it was something that - at some point - I made a conscious effort to stop doing.  I would force myself to realize I was sitting or standing somewhere with my mouth agape and I would then shut it.  It took some time, though I don't remember how long to finally stop idly "drawing flies."

I was reminded of this the other day when my wife saw some people in Saigon walking around with clear masks on.  This supposedly protected them from the COVID virus, but also allowed others to see their facial expressions.  My wife then had an urge to buy some masks for us.  After some thought, however, I opted out. I realized that after two years of walking around with a mask on everywhere in public, I have fallen off the wagon, and probably more often than not breath with my mouth wide open behind my mask.  

Just another adjustment I will have to make when the masks come off for good.

1 comment:

luksky said...

This post had me cracking up. I had totally forgotten about dad's "drawing flies" jokes, and about you always having your mouth agape. Thanks for a good laugh to start off my day.