Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can't Seem to Catch My Breath

Not ironically, I don't have a lot of time to get this post in. Between Vietnam blocking Blogger and me out of the office and not having any free time at work (we have a VPN that allows us to access sites as if we were in the U.S.), I have had absolutely no time to update my "daily" blog.

So, here I am to say I am doing fine. My job is morphing into something different, and the change should be good. During the transition, however, I will be doing two jobs at once... and I am afraid this will make me not very good at either for a while.  But, as my last boss said often. "It is what it is." Whatever that means.

Megan is back in school and Diep is still satisfied with our new accommodations. I am satisfied as well, but my mission duties have kept me away from the house more often than not. It isn't likely that my home time will increase with the new job, but I think the stints will be longer in duration and less frequent.  That could be a good thing.

It look like I will get a few days back in Hawaii on work related business. The time in the U.S. will give me the time to make some much needed purchases in clothing and electronics. I can't buy clothes that fit here, and I can't order anything with a lithium battery in the mail.  This makes travel to the U.S. from time to time a necessity.

I changed my page photo to a pineapple plant I photographed in Quang Nam Province.  I am not sure why, but I really like it. It somehow looks alien to me. 

It may be a while before I am able to get a real update in. In the meantime, I hope this suffice.


1 comment:

luksky said...

Sounds like y'all are doing great, which I always like to hear. I like the pinapple pic also. Hope to talk to you soon via Facetime..