Thursday, April 19, 2012

Freakin' Birds

With the warmer weather, Diep and I have been spending a part of our mornings before I go to work sitting on the balcony and drinking coffee.  The pool below and the surrounding palms and other plants attract a small variety of birds to our sanctuary.  The serenity of the morning silence broken only by the numerous birds calling to partners and singing to the world gives me a positive outlook on life, if just for a moment.

With my new 300mm telephoto lens I recently acquired, I wanted to capture the image of one species of crested bird that I find particularly pretty.  Normally in the morning they are everywhere to be seen and heard, often lighting on the tops of the ornamental fir trees in the complex.  With the hope of capturing this bird on digital film, I went to my bedroom, changed out my lens, got my monopod ready and headed back out on the balcony only to be greeted by silence. Not one bird to be seen and only those in the far distance to be heard.

Diep attributed the absence to the camera and the keen senses of the birds. Initially, I laughed at the thought that the birds could recognize the camera as a possible gun or other hunting tool, but the longer I waited out there with not one bird coming even close, the more I thought she might be right.  After 30 minutes I decided to head in and try again tomorrow.  I don't give up easily, so I figure I will eventually get a picture of this bird.

This crested species is also very common at the office. They fly around in the sapoche tree (also known as the sapodilla) playing all day while I have to work. Sometimes I feel like they taunt me with their freedom; and only once did I feel they aren't as clever as they appear when one flew into my office window leaving a poop streak the length of the pane.  The sound of his head crashing into the glass scared me out of my chair, but when I walked outside to check on him, he had already flown away. This, no doubt, was one of those "oh sh*t!" moments that even a bird brain won't forget soon.

Every now and then a tree squirrel will also show up.  This is all amazing to me because 20 years ago you would never see a bird or a squirrel in the city.  When we were on our compound also known as "The Ranch" we had a goodly portion of property with trees and plants all around and high walls to keep out the riff raff. It was a very special occasion indeed if I ever saw even a common sparrow.  Those were desperate times and those of God's creature foolish enough to wander into downtown Hanoi became the dish of the day for some lucky city dweller.

Oh, and I did get my photo... finally:

1 comment:

luksky said...

I hope you end up getting a picture of the bird.