Wednesday, February 11, 2015

One Week without Sweets

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I have a sweet tooth. If you see me eating junk food, I am probably binging.  When growing up, I was always rewarded for finishing my plate with a treat. I guess I took that mentality to my adulthood, even though I never found it particularly hard to finish my plate anyway.

So, not for any reason in particular, I decided to try to go without sweets for a while. That while has stretched past the seven day mark as of today, and I really don't have any particular urge to go back to sweets. That being said, sitting alone in the house knowing there is ice cream in the refrigerator does have a certain draw to it.

Anyway, I really don't know that dropping the sweets will lead to wieght loss. As a matter of fact, I doubt that it will. I stopped drinking sodas well over a year ago (though I do drink a can of Coke or Diet Coke from time to time) and I haven't had any weight loss as far as I can see.

I have also tried to avoid processed food recently. Living in Vietnam, there aren't a lot of processed foods to eat in my house anyway and when there are, it isn't too hard to avoid them.

I guess I already knew it wouldn't be that difficult to drop sweets from my diet. The trouble is when I eat something sweet, I have a hard time stopping.  I think I will keep this going for at least a little while longer. I think I feel better, but it could just be a placebo effect.

If I experience anything particularly revolutionary about this new habit, I will be sure to let you know,.